Pine Village is looking to get another Wii Bowling team for the National Senior League Bowling Tournament. If you are 55 or better and looking to get involved, Wii Bowling would be a great opportunity. Unlike traditional bowling where you have to wear shared shoes, Wii bowling allows you to wear your own shoes and not lift heavy balls!
You bowl on the Nintendo Wii weekly and submit scores to compete against other teams across the United States. You don’t have to be a good bowler or ever even bowled before in your life – anyone can Wii Bowl! Pine Village was quite competitive a few years back and even brought home the National Championship in 2015 with team members Virgil Goering, Merle Schmidt, Marjorie Schmidt and Art Krehbiel! Wii Bowling is a lot of fun, and winning is just icing on the cake.
If you are interested or even think you might be interested feel free to contact Cindy Kahns, Life Enrichment Specialist, at 345.2901 ext. 247 – she’d love to answer your questions and visit more about the National Senior League Wii Bowling. Hope you’ll consider joining in the fun!
Be kind to one another!