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PV Anchor's Banquet a Success

Shelby Shaw

Last Friday was the Memorial Home Endowment Foundation’s Anchor’s Banquet. This is a plated meal fundraiser and the last few years we have struggled with the food service – most caters only do buffets these days. This year, however, we got the right team together – Keith Banman catered and the Moundridge High School FFA and FCCLA students served it. The food was great, and the service was even better!

If you don’t have a positive opinion of teenagers, you need go any further than our high school to change that. The high schoolers were an absolute joy to work with and they did an amazing job of taking care of our guests. These FFA and FCCLA students were respectful, hardworking, and friendly. Their advisors, Julie Diepenbrock and Ali Torre, also are to be commended for their leadership and service training. Moundridge, with these youth as your future, it’s going to be a bright one! Thanks to all those who attended the Anchor’s Banquet and a shout out to Bethel College’s Woven and Open Road for the outstanding entertainment!

The upcoming events at Pine Village include the community Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 20 and the Dementia Education Class on Saturday, April 27 – mark your calendars!

Be kind to one another!

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