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Come Join in the Fun!

Shelby Shaw

The Pine Village Wellness Center is always adding new activities and this month they will show a feature film on Tuesday, June 12 at 1 p.m. “Courageous” will be the movie and anyone is welcome to come! A popcorn bar and water will be provided, so come in out of the heat and take break with us.

We also are currently seeking more volunteers. A few years back we started an Honor Shawl Ministry, where a hand-created shawl is given to the family of a resident who recently passed. If you would be interested in knitting, crocheting or looming these shawls that are 40” long x 15” wide, please contact Ginger Seeber, Chaplain, at 620.345.2901 ext. 269 for more information.

Also, you may have heard of the painted rock movement, where children, adults, and families paint rocks to hide around their community. When I first heard of this I didn’t understand why everyone was so excited until we started finding said rocks. It’s a fun and free activity that every age enjoys taking part in! On June 13th we will launch our own “Pine Village Rocks” project by painting rocks at 1 p.m. and we’d love for you to join us! After the rocks are painted they’ll be placed around campus and if you find one you can turn it into the Wellness Center for a prize! (Little swimmers keep this in mind when you’re on campus for lessons!)

Be kind to one another!

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